Notice of the 2025 Annual General Meeting Of Vauxhall One (Registered Number 8085649)
All BID levy paying businesses are warmly invited to attend Vauxhall One AGM on Thursday 30 January.
Attending the AGM will give you a clear understanding of what Vauxhall One offers its member businesses, and the chance to raise questions with the Board and staff team. We are always pleased to hear from, and speak with, any local businesses with regards to their needs and suggestions for our work or the local area.
The meeting will begin promptly at 5:15pm and will be followed at 5:45pm with drinks and informal networking. This is an opportunity to share ideas, give your input into planned projects, and discuss where Vauxhall One’s emphasis should be in the coming 12 months.
If you would like to attend, please contact us so that we can provide you with the pre-meeting paperwork.
Audited accounts are available to review here.