Now you see it, now you don’t!
Every month, the Vauxhall One Environment Team removes over 100 pieces of graffiti and hundreds of fly posters from public spaces around Vauxhall. Similarly to litter picking, it’s a constant challenge: As soon as a surface is cleaned or repainted, new graffiti tends to appear.
Being so close to the Houses of Parliament and the US Embassy, Vauxhall is often a route taken by protesters. In the aftermath of a protest, there is often more graffiti, fly posting and litter to deal with and this is always tidied up by the team as soon as is reasonably possible.
Whilst graffiti removal is a year-round task, the summer months are a time for larger-scale deep cleaning, maintenance and repainting projects. Read more about how we contribute to keeping Vauxhall’s tunnels, bridges and streetscape looking neat and tidy here.
Vauxhall One carries out 160 hours per month of street cleaning, litter picking and graffiti removal within the BID boundary. This is in addition to any street cleansing services provided by the Council. The service is funded by Vauxhall One BID member businesses, whose annual BID levy is invested directly back into improving the local area via projects such as the ones mentioned here.